Mese: Gennaio 2024
08:18:46 M5.5 epicentro “Near west coast of eastern Honshu Japan [Sea: Japan]”
Leggi tutto: 08:18:46 M5.5 epicentro “Near west coast of eastern Honshu Japan [Sea: Japan]”Severo #Terremoto M5.5 epicentro Near west coast of eastern Honshu Japan [Sea: Japan] alle 08:18:46 (07:18:46 UTC) Severo Terremoto di magnitudo M5.5 registrato alle 08:18:46 (ora locale Italiana – 07:18:46…
08:10:18 M7.1 epicentro “Near west coast of eastern Honshu Japan [Land: Japan]”
Leggi tutto: 08:10:18 M7.1 epicentro “Near west coast of eastern Honshu Japan [Land: Japan]”Estremo #Terremoto M7.1 epicentro Near west coast of eastern Honshu Japan [Land: Japan] alle 08:10:18 (07:10:18 UTC) Estremo Terremoto di magnitudo M7.1 registrato alle 08:10:18 (ora locale Italiana – 07:10:18…